Filter to allow users to limit the tracker searches to their specific ship-to locations or transport accounts
To restrict search, check the "My Locations/Accounts" checkbox
A drop-down box will appear and by default "All" will be selected
Users can select a sub-set of their locations or transport accounts in the drop-down box (is a multi-select list).
This box is treated as a 'broad' search term. As with "Delivery Date" and "Status", this filter will be ignored if a user enters a specific search term like a VIN or Vehicle ID.
🌟 In Development (future release)
Ability to export search results as .csv or .xlsx
Jan 7, 2024
Introduced new Customer & Dealer Grouping functionality in ELVIS. This allows us to group ship-to codes across different physical locations. Please contact or your local Prixcar contact to request updates to your setup.
Update to tracking query for Dealers to allow users to see vehicles from wharf arrival and also when moving via body builders or other locations/codes:
Query will now search by make and also by the ship-to codes;
Search by make is restricted to only the makes a Dealer is associated with (i.e., a Dealer can only search the makes they retail).
Added user guides directly into the portal. These cover:
Release notes for ELVIS updates
Track and trace (including description of statuses)